Foto Catalina Müller

Wirtschaft und Technik Dr. Catalina Müller



  • Product management
  • Rapid experimentation and prototyping
  • Landing page construction and hypotheses validation
  • Story and presentations
  • Sustainability in digital education
  • Sustainability in interface design
  • Ai in education
  • Intercultural competences



  •  ”Integrating Sustainability in Product Design” @The Guild of Working Designers, Fountain Institute, online, 2023. 


  •  ”Teaching Sustainability with AI: A Practical Workshop for Educators”, International EduSimSteam Innovative Practices and Policy Making Conference, 2023. 



Beruflicher werdegang

For the past 20 years I have designed learning experiences for graduate and undergraduate level, taught and researched various topics related to management and business in international settings. I started my journey at Bucharest University of Economic Studies (Romania) and later on, collaborated with institutions from Germany, Spain, Lithuania and Latvia and for courses and sessions on product management, rapid experimentation, intercultural competences, human resources management in events, digital tools for training etc. A few years back I also discovered the world of user interface and user experience design through a bootcamp course @CareerFoundry and worked as product designer in a corporation and in a few startups.

I am particularly interested in behavioural economics and sustainability, technology and design and their connection to learning. Currently I'm volunteering @European Digital Education Hub in squads on digitals skills, sustainability and hybrid learning. More info at:


  • Joyce, A., Mueller, C., Latronico, R., Stella, I., Cavalie, P.P., Vos, B., Videnovik, M., Barbosa, C., Markovic, M., Fernandez-Rodrigo, L., Osadcha, K., Duus, R., Koeritz, J., Lake, V., Sistek, C. & Pinzi, V. (2024) Digital Skills Playbook for Educators: European Digital Education Hub, European Union. Available at: Documents/Forms/Public.aspx?id=/teams/GRP-EACext-DigitalEducationHub/Shared Documents/Sharing is caring/Squad Resources/Digital skills squad playbook.pdf&parent=/teams/GRP-EACext-DigitalEducationHub/Shared Documents/Sharing is caring/Squad Resources
  • Tala, M., Mueller, C., Albastroiu Nastase, I., State, O. & Gheorghe, G. (2024). "Exploring University Students’ Perceptions of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Education". Amfiteatru Economic, ISSN:  1582 - 9146, vol. 26, no. 65, p. 71-88. DOI:10.24818/EA/2024/65/71. Available at:

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