Institute Marketing and Entrepreneurship (IME)

The research activities at the Institute of Marketing and Entrepreneurship (IME) centre around topical subjects in the fields of international management, marketing and entrepreneurship in a technical environment. One successful empirical study dealt with the topic of “Engineers as entrepreneurs”, another with “Corporate incubators and corporate accelerators in Germany”.

Our guiding principle

The Institute of Marketing and Entrepreneurship (IME) supports entrepreneurs, executives, junior managers and start-up companies with issues appertaining to sector/market/competition in the technical/scientific/IT environment and entrepreneurial activity.

Our objectives

We want to use the work we do at the institute to inform our target group about issues which arise in management. The focus is explicitly on issues which concern medium-size enterprises. The work of the institute will

  • ensure the teaching relating to marketing and entrepreneurship is topical and of practical relevance,
  • lay the foundations for applied research projects,
  • and be available to the entrepreneurs as a competent point of contact for marketing issues.

The main tasks currently undertaken by and planned for the Institute of Marketing and Entrepreneurship are:

  •  Studies, lectures and research work
  •  Discussion groups within the institute
  •  Establish contacts to universities, associations and businesses at home and abroad


Hochschule Esslingen
Fakult?t Betriebswirtschaft
Institut für Marketing & Entrepreneurship (IME)
Leiter: Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. (KNUTD) Helmut Kohlert
Flandernstra?e 101
D-73732 Esslingen
Telefon: +49(0)711.397-4336
Telefax: +49(0)711.397-4314


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