Laboratory Production Management (LPM)

Lean Management

  • Introduction to lean production principles
  • Value stream analysis
  • Manufacturing and assembly-compatible product design
  • Approach to production and assembly planning
  • Planning aids
  • Planning bases for handling technology
  • Planning bases for the use of robots
  • Production control
  • Evaluation and selection of alternative systems in production planning

What is Lean Management?

Lean management is a business philosophy which originated in Japan. Essentially, the aim is to leave out all superfluous processing steps in production (lean production), administration (lean administration) and development (lean development).
This is to be achieved through a more intelligent organisation and a new self-concept on the managerial and the operational level. The result is leaner processes which facilitate faster, more efficient and more flexible development and production.

The following core content is taught in the laboratory:

  • optimise the interrelations in production in the lean model factory environment, independently develop approaches for creating new concepts and assess their suitability
  • assess and further develop challenges, possibilities and limits of assistive systems in manual assembly and human-robot collaborations
  • use simulation software to produce models of production or logistics systems including suitable control strategies to analyse the characteristics of the systems, uncover possible weaknesses and optimize the performance
  • produce object-oriented, hierarchical models of factories including business, logistics and production processes
  • business resource planning for capital, staff, equipment, material, and IT and communications technology, with the aid of enterprise resource planning software
  • sequence of the digital process planning chain in the product development process (PDP) in stage PDP2 (planning and realisation of processes and machinery), and stage PDP3 (series production phase, continuous improvement process (CIP) through to product phaseout and dismantling of machinery)

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Thomas H?rz
Hochschule Esslingen
Fakult?t Maschinen und Systeme
Labor für Produktionsmanagement
Kanalstra?e 33
73728 Esslingen am Neckar

Telefon: +49 (0)711-397-3269
Telefax: +49 (0)711-397-3370

Prof. Dr.- Ing. Georg Krüll
Hochschule Esslingen
Fakult?t Maschinenbau
Kanalstra?e 33
73728 Esslingen am Neckar

Telefon: +49 (0)711-397-3369
Telefax: +49 (0)711-397-3370

further contact person:

Research assistant: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Thomas Lang

  • 7 assembly workstations for manual assembly, some with assistive and worker guidance systems (in-situ projection, pick-by-light etc.)
  • Several scanners to visualise logistics processes
  • ANDON Board for production control
  • KANBAN systems
  • FDM-3D printer (Ultimaker)
  • Collaborative robot (Omron TM5-700
  • PC-Pool with:
    • “Plant simulation” (Siemens) and “Quest” (Dassault) software for plant and assembly simulation
    • “Process Engineer” (Dassault) software for digital process and resource planning
    • “Vistable” software for plant planning
    • “SAP” software for production planning
    • "TOPSIM  General Management” software for business games
  • Lean model factory:
    Assembly simulation with miniaturised passenger vehicles at manual and partially automated assembly workstations focussing on: push, pull and flow manufacturing, value stream, avoidance of waste resulting from over-production, standby time, transport, movement, stock, production faults and non-value adding or unnecessarily complex work processes, introduction of standards and 5S measures at the workstation, design and introduction of Kanban systems with milk-run supply, supply chain in logistics, orientation towards the customer’s takt time, evening out of cycle times in the value-added chain, effects of product variants on production, optimisation and standardisation of the information flow, customer-supplier relationship, indicator and shopfloor management, human-robot collaboration in assembly work
  • Job planning and preparation, and production planning:
    Introduction to capacity and time scheduling, PPC system, computer-aided production planning and management, business game for strategic and operational decisions in marketing, sales, research and development, purchasing, manufacturing, human resources and administration.
    “Digital factory” multi-day event.
    The geometries and structures required are loaded from CAD-generated product data with stored 3D geometries and product structures (on the basis of multi-level bills of material) and a complete planning process for various planning variants is performed digitally by way of example, whereby all processes, equipment and further resources are described so that a calculation of manufacturing costs can be carried out and the best version can be selected.
  • Assistive and worker guidance systems for manufacturing processes
  • Modelling, simulation and animation of business processes and manufacturing and logistics systems with the aid of various simulation tools
  • Human-robot collaboration
  • Digitisation of information and communications technology in the manufacturing technology environment (Industry 4.0)

Research topics:

  • Lean management, lean production
  • Manufacturing technologies in mechanical engineering
  • Production and assembly planning
  • Job planning and preparation
  • Assistive systems in manual assembly
  • Human-robot collaboration
  • Industry 4.0

Project examples:

  • motionEAP – System for enhancing efficiency and providing assistance with company production processes which is based on motion detection and projection
    Consortium: Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, University of Stuttgart, Audi, Bosch, Bessey, Schnaithmann, GWW, Korion
  • Assistive systems  for impaired staff in manual assembly
    Consortium: Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, Schnaithmann
  • DAVINCI project of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, sub-project 4:  Development, manufacture and assembly of a Stirling engine

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