Degree programme with enhanced phases of practical experience

Sustainable Building Services and Energy Engineering (B.Eng.) (GEB)

Study and receive financial support from an employer at the same time! Have you decided on your specialisation and would now like to complete all the practical parts of the programme with a specific focus in a suitable company? If you have, then our ‘degree programme with enhanced phases of practical experience’ option for Sustainable Building Services and Energy Engineering  may be just what you are looking for.

Application procedure

  • Step 1:Apply to a company which can support you during your studies by way of an individual agreement. The company selects the students they are prepared to support.
  • Step 2: Conclude an agreement with the company.
  • Step 3: Enrol directly at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences for the Building Services, Energy and Environmental Engineering programme; do this online via our homepage.

Partner companies

Our current partners for our degree programmes with enhanced phases of practical experience are listed below Simply click the logo to be directed to the company website
for information on how to apply (click the logo below!)

Further information


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