Let’s stay in touch! Did you study Mechatronics at G?ppingen?

We would be delighted if you register in the Alumni Portal and keep your personal details up to date:

sign up

If you are also interested in setting up projects with us, please let us know.


Keep the collaboration between university and business/industry alive

The knowledge you have acquired and your wealth of experience is worth a great deal to our students. Just as you were no doubt fascinated by the latest practical know-how when you were a student, so we are pleased to have views and experience-based input from people who are in the thick of the job and the daily routine. Allow our current cohort of students to share your informational advantage and get in touch with us!

Requests| Ideas| Suggestions

We would love to hear from you when you have some suggestions as to how we can improve the content of our courses! We are always happy to receive ideas about how we can better prepare our students for the work environment.

Or would you like to be an alumnus or alumna who plays an active role and helps us to organise things for the Baden-Württemberg association of alumni? Do you miss the people you studied with and want to organise a get-together?

We would love you to hear from you whatever the reason! We feel sure we can work together to find the right way to deal with your concern or idea. You will find details of the current person to contact on the ‘People’ pages of the Esslingen University website!

Excursions | Seminar topics

Did you also think the excursions were the best part of the programme when you were a student? Is there an interesting, topical issue in your company at the moment that you want to present to us or our students? Or are you looking for a pair of helping hands and a fresh way of looking at things for a creative approach to current problems? Combining this with a visit to your company is a good way of making students more familiar with topics and you can clearly explain the desired objective of group work or seminar work.

Visiting lecturer| Guest lectures| Teaching contract

Do you see yourself as a guest lecturer, conveying packets of information to students in lectures? Or would you like to selectively contribute certain material in a course? We are always looking for motivated, external assistant lecturers to take over a course for one semester. If you are interested, please get in touch with the Academic Director.

Practical projects | Topics for Bachelor projects | Research collaborations

You can probably still remember a practical project during your time at university which you did together with or for a company. In just the same way, our students are now interested in trying out their know-how and their project management skills under real conditions. Or maybe you have a stand-alone topic or project that you would like to offer our students to work on because you value the creative energy that students bring with them? You are welcome to contact our Academic Directors, Laboratory Managers or (Vice) Deans.

Internships| Student workers | Entry-level jobs

Could you use some support in your current team? And are you familiar with the sound skills and abilities which our graduates bring with them? Or maybe you value the opportunity to get to know students who are finishing their programme of study as a part-time member of your staff? If they prove themselves with their student job, this already paves the way to a shared professional future. You are welcome to post your jobs and calls for applications in our Database Career Link or make contact with the staff in the Career Centre.





Interested? Find out more! about our degree programmes