G?ppingen Campus everything within easy reach

On the campus in G?ppingen, everything is within easy reach. This not only applies to the close proximity of laboratories and lecture halls, but also to the informal atmosphere between professors, staff and students.

G?ppingen is an attractive location close to nature, with plenty on offer for students outside of lectures. For example, there is the Café Campus, which is run by students. Not far from the university and near the swimming bath are our dormitories, which are comparatively inexpensive. Numerous places are available here in cooperation with the Studentenwerk Stuttgart.
The city of G?ppingen itself is also the city of handball. Thus, both the women's and the men's team of Frisch Auf! G?ppingen are currently playing in the first national league.
G?ppingen is known in the region for festivals lasting several days, such as the big Maientags Rummel. For full information, please see Studying in G?ppingen.

The city of G?ppingen is situated beneath Hohenstaufen mountain and its ruined castle, a relic of the mediaeval Staufer dynasty. Find out more about the city in the G?ppingen Info-Film, or have a look at the G?ppingen"Day & Night" Guide.

Local Sightseeing

From G?ppingen, students can reach downtown Stuttgart in less than 30 minutes by train and, in little more time, can even take a trip to the beautiful city of Ulm and view its famous cathedral, the fisherman's village, and other lovely spots.

A brief history

Esslingen University of Applied Sciences is one of the oldest schools of Mechanical Engineering in Germany. In 1914, the “K?nigliche Baugewerkeschule (Royal School of Construction), Department of Mechanical Engineering” was transferred from Stuttgart to Esslingen.

On 1 October 2006, the two universities of applied sciences in Esslingen, the Technical University of Applied Sciences (FHTE) and the University of Applied Sciences for Social Work (HfS) were combined to form a new institution - Esslingen University of Applied Sciences.

If you are interested in our full history, please visit our history pages of the Faculty.

360°-Videotour of Campus G?ppingen


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