Buddy Programm at the Faculty of Management and Technology

Are you already eagerly waiting to start your studies at Esslingen University? Get a first glance at activities and events that are awaiting you.

Not only the International Centre, but also we from the Faculty of Management and Technology offer you opportunities to get to know Esslingen, G?ppingen and the region together with our buddies. Below you will get some impressions of our latest events.

During this unique experience of a semester abroad, you will receive the best possible support from our buddies in addition to the International Office.

On May 20, 2023 our exciting excursion, together with the international students, to Lake Constance took place. The excursion was organized by the buddies to get to know the cultural diversity of the region. We started early in the morning from Stuttgart's main train station and made our way to Lake Constance. The trip there was already an opportunity to talk to the Internationals about their stay in Germany and to get to know them better.

Arrived at Lake Constance in the city of Constance, we first visited the old town as well as the harbor with the Imperia statue. The highlight of our excursion was the visit to the island Mainau, also known as "flower island". There we were greeted by a variety of blooming flowers, exotic plants and stunning gardens. Each of us had the freedom to explore the island and enjoy the beauty of nature to the fullest. Some of us took the opportunity to conduct a short interview with selected international students to record their impressions of studying in Germany.

Finally, in the late afternoon, we started our way back. The excursion to Lake Constance was a perfect combination of nature experience, cultural discoveries and intercultural exchange. We returned with unforgettable memories.

Many thanks to the Faculty of Management and Technology and the buddies for the great day!

Experience with us the first joint excursion at the Mercedes-Benz Museum! On Sunday, March 26, 2023, we met at 1:30 p.m. at the Neckartor in Bad Cannstatt and made our way to the entrance of the museum. Despite the large crowd on this day of the week, our tour began after a short wait of 10 minutes. We used the time to take pictures of the surroundings and themselves. Our tour started on the 8th floor of the museum and took us through the fascinating history of automotive development, from the beginnings of the first internal combustion engine to the famous Silver Arrows and today's technology. With the headphones provided, we were able to follow the history and technical details in English. After a joint dinner in Stuttgart Mitte we reviewed our impressions. Here are some impressions of our excursion.

Thank you to the Faculty of Management and Technology for their support and to the International Buddies for their organization.


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