CMI Study 2020/21 IQA – Innovation and Quality in the Automotive Sector

Study 2020/21: IQA – Innovation and Quality in the Automotive Sector

This year and next year, the Institute of Change Management and Innovation (CMI) is carrying out a study on the topic of “IQA- Innovation and Quality in the Automotive Sector”.


Current specialist article on the pilot study 2020

Learn more about the initial results of our study for our research project. It involved interviewing a total of 14 senior players from the automobile sector by means of part-standardised expert interviews. It has just been published in the magazine QZ – Qualit?t und Zuverl?ssigkeit:

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Ever shorter development cycles, increasing problems with quality, and the special situation in the automotive sector, which is undergoing a far-reaching process of transformation, are making ever increasing demands on innovation & quality management. A particular challenge here is designing the interface between OEM and Tier 1 suppliers. Frictional losses, excessive processing times, conflict situations, etc. are threatening the still outstanding position of German automobile manufacturers and suppliers in the global competition.

Research methods:

  • Literature research
  • Interviews of experts
  • Written survey
  • Quantitative and qualitative statistical analyses


Research objective:

How must the value creation chain between OEM and Tier 1 supplier be designed in a turbulent market so that innovative, excellent quality products can be developed and successfully launched?


Research Questions

Planned reserach process


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