Maschinenbauingenieur Eugen Eisenmann

Graduate 1936

1929 - 1933 Apprenticeship as a locksmith and work placement as an engineer (Daimler-Benz AG)
1936 - 1938 Manufacturing engineer in a piston plant (Kolben-Mahle)
1938 Organiser and leader of the Ruwenzori and Kilimandscharo expedition
1939 - 1942 Technical director of a malleable foundry (Gross & Fr?hlich)
1943 War volunteer in a mountain infantry division
1945 returns wounded to his bombed-out family
1945 - 1948 Sales representative for machinery and tools
1948 Cofounder of an engineering company
1948 - 1951 Basic wood drying research;
discovery of the characteristic curves of wood humidity
1951 Foundation of the EISENMANN Maschinenbau KG in Stuttgart, production of wood dryers and painting installations for the wood industry and later also for the metal industry
1959 Relocation of the expanding company to Boeblingen
1960 Launch of the production of conveyor systems
1962 First EISENMANN Sunday painter exhibition, over 20 annual exhibitions
1965 First large deliveries for the automotive industry
1966 / 68 Launch and development of environmental technology (solutions for exhaust air purification and systems for waste water treatment)
1968 Construction of the first of over 1,000 powder coating systems (largest amount worldwide)
1971 Introduction of the company pension scheme, awarded for exemplary factory buildings in the Federal competition "Industrie in der Landschaft" (industry in the landscape)
1973 Entrance of the son Peter Eisenmann into the company as Member of the Management Board
1975 Acquisition of premises in Holzgerlingen where a second plant is being built
1975 Construction of the first E-coat plant in Germany setting new standards in corrosion protection especially for the automotive industry, first large order of logistic systems for distribution
1977 Eugen Eisenmann is leaving the Management Board. Due to his technical knowledge and his foresight in business, the “senior partner” is highly appreciated. As an adviser he accompanies the further expansion of the production programme, the creation of subsidiaries e.g. in the USA and the development of the company into one of the most important suppliers to the automotive industry. Even after his death in 1991, the company consistently continues its positive development. Today, the company he founded has about 2,600 employees worldwide - more than half of them engineers - and is one of the leading international suppliers of surface finishing technology, environmental technology, conveyor and warehouse systems, ceramic firing systems and of numerous areas of expertise in coating technology and high-temperature technology.


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