Information technology is to be found in almost all areas of modern life!
In cars, consumer products, production plants, computer networks, space stations - in a nutshell, information is being recorded, processed and communicated absolutely everywhere. Information technology provides us with the technologies which enable this to happen and also develops solutions for the future. The IT sector is enjoying very high rates of growth and the long-term career prospects are outstanding.
In the Business Information Systems Bachelor programme, experienced professors working in research and industry teach students everything they need to gain a successful foothold on the professional ladder. Great emphasis is placed on giving students a solid grounding in mathematics, economics and computer sciences. This broad-based training forms the basis for further specialisation. The programme is very practice oriented and this enhances the theoretical knowledge acquired. Project work is undertaken in small groups in well-equipped laboratories. A semester of practical study shows students how industrial projects are undertaken and managed in practice.
It is also possible to complete this programme in the “study at your own speed” support programme. Those who choose this option have longer than the maximum course duration to complete the foundation courses and the core courses.
For the summer semester: from 24 October to 15 January
For the winter semester: from AprAprAprApr 2525 to JulJulJulJul 1515
Information on admission requirements
Admission limitation, number of places (70 per year).
Graduates can develop and implement application systems at the interface between business and computer sciences. They have been taught the engineering methods which are used in information technology and are thus able to design and programme software systems. They can optimise business processes and undertake projects to develop and introduce custom software. They analyse and realise the implementation of new technologies in the company. They tackle the latest issues appertaining to the systematic analysis and processing of company-relevant data.
Voraussetzungen: ? alle Prüfungsleistungen der ersten vier Semester müssen erfolgreich abgeschlossen sein ? abgeschlossenes Praxissemester ? fundierte Kenntnisse im eigenen Studienprofil
Gesamtziel: Die 球探比分网den besitzen die F?higkeit, sich in ingenieurm??ige Fragestellungen aus dem Bereich der Wirtschaftsinformatik einzuarbeiten. Sie k?nnen wissenschaftliche und technische Weiterentwicklungen verstehen und auf Dauer verfolgen.
Inhalt: In der Bachelorarbeit soll der 球探比分网de zeigen, dass die w?hrend des Studiums erlernten Kenntnisse und erworbenen F?higkeiten erfolgreich in die Praxis umgesetzt werden k?nnen. Dazu wird eine projektartige Aufgabe unter Einsatz von ingenieurm??igen Methoden bearbeitet. Der betreuende Professor begleitet die 球探比分网den w?hrend der Bachelorarbeit und leitet sie zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten an. Die Arbeit schlie?t mit einer schriftlichen Ausarbeitung und einem Vortrag ab.
Prüfungsleistung/Studienleistung: Selbstst?ndiges wissenschaftliches Arbeiten, Bericht Pr?sentation einer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit Referat (20 Minuten), Testat Teilnahme am IT-Kolloquium
Prerequisites: Sound knowledge of own study profile
Learning Outcomes: Students acquire the ability to familiarize themselves with engineering issues in the field of software engineering or media informatics, to understand scientific and technical developments and to be able to follow them in the long term. Students gain detailed insights and comprehensive knowledge in a field of information technology. Based on their own research, the students can analyse problems in information technology and independently find and evaluate solutions to them.
Content: Self-study in the context of the Bachelor's thesis.
Type of teaching and language of instruction: Self-study, German or English
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of own study profile.
Learning Outcomes: Students acquire a scientific and subject-specific specialisation in the field of their major field of
Content: The elective module consists of 3 compulsory electives with a total of 6 SWS. The student chooses 3 electives with 2 SWS each to deepen his own study profile. Current and industry-related specialisations are offered as compulsory electives. The electives are announced publicly at the beginning of each semester.
Type of teaching and language of instruction: Lecture with exercises and exam preparation or project work German or English
Prerequisites: Knowledge of programming languages and methods of software engineering
Learning Outcomes: The students have the ability to familiarize themselves with new engineering questions in the field of media informatics, to understand scientific and technical developments and to follow them in the long run. The students are able to work independently and scientifically.
Content: In the student research project, the student works on an in-house topic in the laboratories of the faculty under the supervision of a professor during the semester. Special emphasis is placed on an engineering approach.
Type of teaching and language of instruction: Self-reliant scientific work German or English
Examination: Report and Presentation (20 Min) graded
Gesamtziel: Die 球探比分网den sind in der Lage Business Intelligence Systems anzuwenden und mit deren Hilfe unternehmerische Entscheidungen zu unterstützen. Sie erlernen ein ganzheitliches Konzept der intelligenten Entscheidungsunterstützung. Sie k?nnen theoretische Ans?tze der ?konomischen und technischen Entscheidungsunterstützung in realen Systemen umsetzen. Sie kennen den Aufbau und die Gestaltung von Systemen zur Datenverdichtung und Berichterstellung. Sie beherrschen die Instrumente zur Datenanalyse, Informationsverdichtung und Informationsdarstellung. Sie kennen verschiedene Anwendungsbeispiele für BI-Systeme in unterschiedlichen betrieblichen, ?konomischen und technischen Funktionsbereichen.
Inhalt: ? Definition und Begriffsbestimmung ? Datenbereitstellung in multidimensionalen Datenr?umen ? BI-Analysesysteme (OLAP) ? Konzeption und Umsetzung betrieblich integrierter BI-Ans?tze ? Operationale BI in der industriellen Produktion
Prüfungsleistung/Studienleistung: Vorlesung mit Nachbereitung und Prüfungsvorbereitung Klausur (90 Minuten) Projekt, Projektarbeit und Referat (20 Minuten)
Gesamtziel: Informationsmanagement wird aus der Sichtweise einer Führungskraft in der IT-Abteilung vermittelt. Die 球探比分网den verstehen die grundlegenden Konzepte des Informationsmanagements sowie dessen Methoden und Vorgehensweisen und k?nnen diese auf Fragestellungen aus der Praxis anwenden. Sie verstehen die Anforderungen der digitalen Transformation, die sich daraus ergebende Notwendigkeit für Transformationsprozesse und deren Gestaltungsm?glichkeiten.
Inhalt: ? Grundlegende Konzepte Informationsmanagement ? Wertbeitrag der IT ? IT-Strategie ? IT-Sourcing ? IT-Unternehmensarchitektur ? IT-Governance und IT-Compliance ? IT-Controlling ? Wertsch?pfungsstrukturen, digitale Gesch?ftsmodelle und digitale Transformation ? IT-Induzierte Ver?nderungen in Unternehmen und Management der Transformation
Prerequisites: Data Bases 1 + 2, Sound SQL knowledge, Basics in Software Engineering
Learning Outcomes: The students acquire the qualification of a database designer. Students can design and implement a database application. They learn to estimate the effects of the data model on implementation, performance, maintainability and extensibility. Students can abstract the real world in a model and check the model using an application. They can use different tools in different project phases with automatic transfer of results. Students acquire the ability to design and implement database applications.
Content: Lecture: Modeling Information Using Entity Relationship Notation and a CASE Tool: Database Application Development Process; Database Application Analysis Techniques; Entity Relationship Notation Modeling; Normalization; Conceptual, Logical, and Physical Design; Implementing Business Rules Using Database Integrities; Evaluating and Optimizing Relational Database Models for OLTP Use; Databases and Data Warehouses Using OLAP Project: Analysis, design and implementation of a resource planning application.
Type of teaching and language of instruction: Lecture with exercises and exam preparation, Lab work, English
Examination: Exam (90 minutes) graded Lab work attested
Voraussetzungen: Kenntnisse in Allgemeiner Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Personal und Organisation und Rechnungswesen 1 + 2
Gesamtziel: Die 球探比分网den verfügen über eine praxisbezogene fachliche Vertiefung betriebswirtschaftlicher Fragestellungen und k?nnen zur Sicherung des Unternehmenserfolgs entsprechende eigene Strategievorschl?ge erarbeiten und pr?sentieren. Sie werden in die Lage versetzt, betriebswirtschaftliche Analysen anhand praktischer Unternehmensbeispiele durchzuführen, Strategieempfehlungen für dargestellte Problemfelder zu pr?sentieren sowie ?reale‘ Unternehmenssituationen (Fallstudien, Planspiel) zu analysieren und Entscheidungen zu treffen. Dadurch erlangen die 球探比分网den sowohl eine fachliche als auch eine methodenbezogene Vertiefung im Hinblick auf die Anforderungen in der betrieblichen Praxis.
Inhalt: ? Strategisches Management / Strategieentwicklung ? Marketing und Vertrieb ? Personalmanagement ? Produktions- und Budgetplanung ? Investitions- und Kostenrechnung
Prüfungsleistung/Studienleistung: Vorlesung mit ?bungen und Prüfungsvorbereitung Projektbericht und Referat
Voraussetzungen: Kenntnisse in Allgemeiner Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Rechnungswesen 1 + 2
Gesamtziel: Die 球探比分网den verfügen über die für die Unternehmensführung und für die Ableitung von Strategien notwendigen betriebswirtschaftlichen Kenntnisse. Sie sind in der Lage Business-Pl?ne zu erstellen und Gesch?ftsprozesse zu gestalten.
Inhalt: Controlling ? Unterstützung der Entscheidungsfindung durch Informationen aus dem internen Rechnungswesen ? Balanced Scorecard und Strategy Map ? Strategische und operative Planung; Business Plan aufstellen sowie Budgetplanung und Budgetkoordination ? (wertorientierte) Kennzahlen und Kennzahlensysteme ? Prozesskostenrechnung ? Target Costing ? Bestimmen und managen der Lebenszykluskostenrechnung, der Kundenbeziehungen und der Prozessleistung
Unternehmensführung ? Einführung: Ziele, Prozess und Elemente von Unternehmensführung, strategische versus operative Planung, Definition von Strategie, Unternehmensziele (incl. Corporate Social Responsibility) ? Umfeldanalyse (Makro-, Branchen- und Wettbewerbsumfeld) ? Unternehmensanalyse (insb.VRIO-Analyse) ? Bestimmung und Ableitung von Unternehmensstrategien ? (internes versus externes Wachstum, horizontale/vertikale Integration) Diversifikation, Unternehmensverbindungen ? Bestimmung und Ableitung von Gesch?ftsbereichsstrategien (Wachstumsstrategien, generische Wettbewerbsstrategien) ? Strategieimplementierung (Erfolgsfaktoren, Hindernisse, Krisenmanagement)
Prüfungsleistung/Studienleistung: Vorlesung mit Nachbereitung und Prüfungsvorbereitung Klausur (90 Minuten)
Voraussetzungen: Kenntnisse in Allgemeiner Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Gesamtziel: Die 球探比分网den erlangen Kenntnisse über die Grundlagen, Konzeptionen und Instrumente des Marketings und des Vertriebsmanagements, mit einem besonderen Fokus auf digitales Marketing und digitale Vertriebskan?le. Sie sind in der Lage, Marktsituationen einzusch?tzen und auf dieser Grundlage kundenzentrierte Marketing- und Vertriebsstrategien zu entwickeln. Sie k?nnen die wesentlichen Instrumente im Marketing- und Vertriebsbereich für die Praxis umsetzen sowie den Erfolg der Marketing- und Vertriebsaktivit?ten entsprechend beurteilen bzw. messen.
Inhalt: Marketing ? Einführung: Entwicklung des Marketings, Definition von Marketing und Marktmanagement, Unterscheidung von strategischem und operativem Marketing ? Marktmanagement: Ziele, Zielobjekt, Aufgaben und Prozess ? Marktanalyse und Marketingstrategie: K?uferverhalten, Methoden der Marktforschung (Sekund?rforschung, Prim?rforschung), Marktsegmentierungen, Differenzierung und Positionierung ? Marketinginstrumente: Produktpolitik (Produktplanung und -entwicklung, Produkt-strategien, Programm- und Sortimentspolitik, Markenpolitik), Preispolitik (marktorien-tierte Preispolitik, Preisstrategien, Preisfindung und -gestaltung) und Kommunikations-politik (Inbound versus Outbound-Marketing, d.h. SEO, Werbung, Public Relations, Verkaufsf?rderung, jeweils mit einem Fokus auf digitales Marketing)
Vertrieb ? Einordnung und Abgrenzung zu Marketing, Kl?rung: Absatz, Distribution, Verkauf, Vertrieb, Vertriebsmanagement ? Ziele und Aufgaben des Vertriebsmanagements (strategischer versus operativer Vertrieb), Vertriebsstrategien ? Auswahl der Vertriebswege und Verkaufsformen: Tiefe und Breite des Absatz-programms sowie der Absatzkanalstruktur, direkter versus indirekter Vertrieb (B2C und B2B), Multi-Channel-Vertrieb, Key-Account-Management, eCommerce ? Aufbau der Vertriebsorganisation ? Planung und Steuerung des Vertriebs: Anreizsysteme und Vertriebscontrolling
Prüfungsleistung/Studienleistung: Vorlesung mit ?bungen und Prüfungsvorbereitung Klausur (90 Minuten)
Learning Outcomes: In the industrial environment of a company, the students learn to work independently as engineers as well as in a team. They are able to apply the methods of project management. Their awareness of the effects of their own actions is sharpened. Students acquire the engineering skills of working in a project team.
Content: 100 days of operational practice in a company of IT field.
Type of teaching and language of instruction: Internship, German or English
Learning Outcomes: Students acquire the skills of teamwork and methodical work. Students are prepared for a successful career start. They acquire and deepen the ability to record and produce scientific texts and to communicate on technical-scientific topics in English.
Content: Scientific work: Structuring, researching, analysing, scientific writing and quoting; Career start: Career planning, applicant training; Technical English: beginner and advanced level, technical and business English, communication and presentation.
Type of teaching and language of instruction: Lecture with exercises German
Examination: Presentation (20 Min) attested TOEFL test
Prerequisites: Business Information Systems 1 - 2, Business Processes 1
Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to implement business processes in organizations and IT. They are able to evaluate software solutions and implement business processes in standard software such as SAP. The students know the methods for the implementation of business processes in the organization and IT. The students know the procedures for the implementation of business processes. They will also be able to assess the effects on company organization and employees. They will be able to assess the possible uses of different software solutions and know different procedures for implementation projects.
Content: Procedures for implementing business processes; effects on company organization and employees; software solutions from individual to standard software; implementation of business processes in standard software such as SAP; project management of implementation projects.
Type of teaching and language of instruction: Lecture with exercises and exam preparation, Lab work, German
Examination: Exam (90 minutes) graded Lab work attested
Learning Outcomes: The students know the layer model, database architectures and components, storage systems and structures. Furthermore, they are familiar with various transaction and recovery concepts. They are proficient in the database query language SQL and can manage rights, indexes, views, triggers and stored procedures. Students can administer, secure and port relational databases. They can generate evaluations using open standard interfaces (ODBC). Students have basic knowledge of Business Intelligence. Students are proficient in setting up databases. In addition, they are proficient in the database query language SQL. They can program analytical evaluation extensions (ODBC) and use various options to access databases.
Content: Layer model, database architectures and components; storage systems and structures; transaction concepts and recovery; deepening of the database query language SQL; administration of rights, indices, views, triggers and stored procedures; administration, backup and porting of relational databases; evaluation generation using open standard interfaces (ODBC).
Type of teaching and language of instruction: Lecture with exercises and exam preparation, Lab work, German
Examination: Exam (90 minutes) graded Lab work attested
Voraussetzungen: Kenntnisse einer Programmiersprache
Gesamtziel: Die 球探比分网den k?nnen Web-basierte Anwendungen und Dienste entwickeln. Sie verfügen über das Verst?ndnis der Protokolle und Sprachen des Internets. Die 球探比分网den sind in der Lage, Web-Anwendungen mit HTML und CSS selbstst?ndig zu entwickeln. Sie beherrschen die F?higkeit web-basierte Anwendungen und Webservices zu erstellen. Sie besitzen das Verst?ndnis für die Protokolle und die Sprachen des Internets. Die 球探比分网den sind in der Lage, anhand von Best Practices Beispielen Web-basierte-Anwendungen und Dienste zu realisieren.
Inhalt: Grundlegender Aufbau von Webanwendungen; Anwendung von Markup-Sprachen: HTML, XML; Anwendungsprotokoll HTTP; REST-Architektur von Anwendungen; Gestaltung von Webanwendungen mit HTML und CSS; Interaktive Webanwendungen mit JavaScript und AJAX; Funktion und Aufbau eines Webservers.
Prüfungsleistung/Studienleistung: Vorlesung mit Nachbereitung und Prüfungsvorbereitung, Laborübung Klausur (90 Minuten), Testat
Prerequisites: Knowledge of a programming language
Learning Outcomes: Students can develop web-based applications and services. They have an understanding of the protocols and languages of the Internet. Students are able to develop web applications with HTML and CSS independently. They have the ability to create web-based applications and web services. You have an understanding of the protocols and languages of the Internet. Students will be able to implement web-based applications and services based on best practices.
Content: Basic structure of web applications; application of markup languages: HTML, XML; Application protocol HTTP; REST architecture of applications; Design of web applications with HTML and CSS; Interactive web applications with JavaScript and AJAX; Function and structure of a web server.
Type of teaching and language of instruction: Lecture with exercises and exam preparation, Lab work, English
Examination: Exam (90 minutes) graded Lab work attested
Prerequisites: Knowledge of an object-oriented programming language, knowledge of UML 2
Learning Outcomes: Students are able to implement the requirements in complex software architectures. They can use design and architecture patterns, frameworks and libraries according to their needs. The students acquire competences in the engineering approach to solving problems in the field of software architecture as well as in the assessment and selection of software technologies. Students can select and apply design and architecture patterns. They are able to program components (EJB) and web services (SOA).
Content: Architecture and Architects; Architecture Development Approach; Architecture Views, UML 2 for Architects; Object-Oriented Design Principles; Architecture and Design Patterns; Technical Aspects, Requirements and Constraints Consideration; Middleware, Frameworks, Reference Architectures, Model-Driven Architecture; Components, Component Technologies, Interfaces (API); Architecture Assessment, Refactoring, Reverse Engineering.
Type of teaching and language of instruction: Lecture with exercises and exam preparation, Lab work, English
Examination: Exam (90 minutes) graded Lab work attested
Learning Outcomes: Students have an overview of the most important classes of algorithms. Students will be able to assess basic features, performance, similarities and cross-references of different algorithms. Students will be able to correctly apply and assess basic algorithms and data structures in terms of their properties and performance.
Content: Presentation, design and classification of algorithms; Simple and abstract data structures: arrays, lists, sets, directories; complexity, efficiency, computability, O-notation; search and sort; trees and graphs; iterative methods (Gauss, Newton); hash methods; geometric algorithms; string matching algorithms and finite automata; random numbers and Monte Carlo algorithms.
Type of teaching and language of instruction: Lecture with exercises and exam preparation, German
Gesamtziel: Die 球探比分网den kennen die wichtigsten Methoden und Verfahren des Personal- und Organisationsmanagements, mit besonderem Fokus auf die digitalen M?glichkeiten in beiden Bereichen. Sie verfügen au?erdem über Grundkenntnisse zu den wichtigsten Rechtsgebieten, mit denen Unternehmen konfrontiert sind.
Inhalt: ? Einführung: Grundlegende Einordnung des Personalmanagements im Unternehmen, Funktionsbereiche und Aufgabengebiete, Unterscheidung strategisches versus operatives Personalmanagement ? Personalwirtschaftliche Instrumente: Methoden der Personalbedarfsplanung, der Personalbeschaffung (incl. E-Recruiting und Employer Branding) und der Personal-auswahl, Einarbeitung und Einsatz von Mitarbeitern, Personalorganisation (incl. Modern Workplace), Personalbetreuung, Anreizsysteme, Personalentwicklung und -f?rderung, Personalfreisetzung ? Personalführung: Führungsstile, Führungsmodelle, Kommunikation, Leistungsbewertung, Mitarbeitermotivation Organisation ? ?berblick: Organisation als Managementaufgabe, theoretische Ans?tze ? Aufbau- und Ablauforganisation: Ziele, Instrumente, Organisationsprinzipien ? Methoden und Techniken der Organisationsgestaltung Recht ? Grundlagen Recht (Rechtsquellen, Rechtsgebiete, Gerichtszweige) ? Grundgesetz (Aufbau und Gliederung, einzelne Grundrechte und Gebiete) ? BGB (Systematik und Aufbau, Methodik) ? HGB (Kaufmannsbegriff, Grunds?tze der Firmenbildung, Gesch?ftsbriefe, Stellvertretung, Handelsregister) ? Weitere Rechtsgebiete (insbesondere Arbeitsrecht, Gesellschaftsrecht)
Prüfungsleistung/Studienleistung: Vorlesung mit ?bungen und Prüfungsvorbereitung Klausur (90 Minuten), unbenotetes Testat
Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to implement business processes in organizations and IT. They are able to evaluate software solutions and implement business processes in standard software such as SAP. The students know the basics of business process management as well as methods for modeling business processes. They can solve concrete case studies using various modeling tools.
Content: Basics of business process management; objective and orientation of business process modeling; methodology of modeling; approaches and tools of business process modeling; conception and methodology of the "ARIS" approach; modeling of use cases (teamwork if necessary).
Type of teaching and language of instruction: Lecture with exercises and exam preparation, Lab work, German
Examination: Exam (90 minutes) graded Lab work attested
Prerequisites: Competences in programming and operating systems
Learning Outcomes: Students acquire knowledge about basic concepts and technologies in computer networks. Students can describe the basic concepts of computer networks. They understand the layer model in communication networks and the basic mechanisms and tasks of communication protocols. The functionality of important standards such as Ethernet and TCP/IP are familiar to the students. This enables them to select and evaluate suitable solutions for various applications. Students can configure network services, use communication protocols, analyze their function and, if necessary, find errors.
Content: Basics and network architectures; communication in local networks; packet switching on the Internet; transport protocols on the Internet; elementary services and applications; network engineering examples.
Type of teaching and language of instruction: Lecture with exercises and exam preparation, Lab work, German
Examination: Exam (90 minutes) graded Lab work attested
Learning Outcomes: Students learn the basic concepts of hierarchical network-oriented, relational and object-oriented data models. They will be able to develop database applications. Students can develop database applications according to specifications. They master the concepts of the functionality and operation of database management systems and are able to evaluate them. Students can implement operational concepts according to specifications. Students can develop database applications according to specifications. They master the concepts of the functionality and operation of database management systems and are able to evaluate them. Students can implement operational concepts according to specifications.
Content: Basics of data models, relations algebra, SQL: projection, restriction, subqueries, scalar functions, aggregate functions, date functions, DML accesses and DDL accesses, linking of tables (inner, left, right, outer join), embedded SQL with C (singleton select, cursor select, cursor update), considerations for portable application development with SQL99, structure and functionality of a database management system with special focus on multi-user operation and performance, data security, availability.
Type of teaching and language of instruction: Lecture with exercises and exam preparation, Lab work, English
Examination: Exam (90 minutes) graded Lab work attested
Prerequisites: Knowledge of a higher programming language
Learning Outcomes: The students have knowledge in the areas of engineering software development, requirements analysis and modelling. The students master engineering software engineering. Students can write requirements in English. They can also create a requirement specification. They master the methodical procedure for the creation of software applications. The students learn how to successfully carry out projects. They master the instruments of project management.
Content: Overview of maturity models and process models: project management; configuration management; change management; quality management; requirements engineering; system analysis; system design; system implementation; system integration; system test. Main features of UML 2.x: model elements, classes, artefacts, static Relationships: Dependency, association, generalization, realization, diagram types in UML, use case diagram, activity diagram, state machine, package diagram, class diagram, object diagram, sequence and communication diagrams. Creation of a requirement specification: requirements/requirements (in English), modeling of a software system in UML. Testing: Validation, verification. Acceptance Test Driven Development: Creation of test cases for the requirements.
Type of teaching and language of instruction: Lecture with exercises and exam preparation, Lab work, English
Prerequisites: Knowledge of Business Economics and Accounting 1
Learning Outcomes: The students master the methods of accounting. The students know the different functions of internal accounting. They are familiar with cost accounting systems and know their areas of application. Furthermore, the students are familiar with common methods of investment accounting and are familiar with various possibilities of corporate financing. The students recognise internal accounting as the basis for controlling. The students master the successive levels of different cost accounting systems and are able to apply them. They know the methods of costing and profit and loss accounting as well as planning and decision accounting. The students are familiar with various static and dynamic methods of investment accounting. They are familiar with profitability analyses and can determine the advantageousness of investments and their optimal useful life with the methods of business finance. The students know the different forms of corporate financing.
Content: Cost accounting systems; cost unit and cost unit time accounting; planning and decision accounting; investment accounting; financing forms.
Type of teaching and language of instruction: Lecture with exercises and exam preparation, Lab work, German
Examination: Exam (90 minutes) graded Lab work attested
Learning Outcomes: Students acquire the competence to apply concepts of human-computer interaction. They will be enabled to design and create user-friendly interactive applications. Students will be able to both design and implement usable software, i.e. software that can be used efficiently and effectively by people and leads to user satisfaction.
Content: Procedure model for the user-oriented system development; requirements determination, prototyping, usability test, user profiles; software ergonomic and perception psychological basics; user-oriented design of dialogues, application of dialogue elements; basic knowledge of typography and colour design; information architecture, visualisation and navigation; current questions, e.g.: Intercultural design, accessibility, design of mobile systems, automotive design.
Type of teaching and language of instruction: Lecture with exercises and exam preparation, Lab work, German
Examination: Exam (90 minutes) graded Lab work attested
Prerequisites: Mathematics 1 A and Mathematics 1 B
Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to describe, explain and understand facts and phenomena mathematically. Students will master the methods of financial mathematics for the evaluation of payment flows. Simple ordinary differential and difference equations are understood by the students and can be solved. Models can be developed for application problems in the field of linear optimization. Statements for decision processes can be made and interpreted from such models.
Content: Ordinary differential equations and differential equation systems; Differential equations and differential equation systems; Fundamentals of financial mathematics; Linear optimization, like simplex algorithm, transport problems, allocation problems
Type of teaching and language of instruction: Lecture with exercises and exam preparation, German
Prerequisites: Mathematics 1 A and Mathematics 1 B
Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to describe, explain and understand random and uncertain phenomena. Students will master the basic methods of probability theory, statistics and combinatorics, as well as the application software with which they can evaluate and present statistical questions.
Content: Data acquisition and data cleansing; representation of statistical material (feature types, graphical representation, location parameters of a sample); multidimensional samples (correlation and regression); combinatorics; probability theory (Laplace models; random variables and distribution functions; special distribution functions such as normal or binomial distribution); conclusive statistics, in particular statistical test procedures and confidence intervals; application of statistical methods in quality assurance.
Type of teaching and language of instruction: Lecture with exercises and exam preparation, Lab work, German
Examination: Exam (90 minutes) graded Lab work attested
Learning Outcomes: The students are able to design business processes and support them with information technologies. The students understand the integrated information processing in a company and are familiar with the essential operational information systems. The students know the tools and methods of project management. In addition, they meet the requirements of project managers and project staff. The students understand the integrated information processing in a company and are familiar with the essential operational information systems such as ERP, CRM and SCM. They are familiar with techniques for business process integration such as EAI. You have knowledge of knowledge management and decision support systems. The students know the tools and methods of project management. In addition, they know the requirements for a project manager and a project team member. They are able to carry out a project using project planning and network planning techniques.
Content: The content consists of the following areas: - Business Informatics Specialization - project management
Type of teaching and language of instruction: Lecture with exercises and exam preparation, Lab work, German
Examination: Exam (90 minutes) graded Lab work attested
Learning Outcomes: The students master the methods of accounting. The students know the different areas, legal basics and addressees of accounting. They are familiar with the recording, documentation and information functions of external accounting and understand its significance for internal accounting and controlling. You will be able to independently prepare and analyse simple annual financial statements.
Content: Organization of accounting; bookkeeping; annual accounts; HGB; IAS/IFRS
Type of teaching and language of instruction: Lecture with exercises and exam preparation, Lab work, German
Examination: Exam (90 minutes) graded Lab work attested
Gesamtziel: Die 球探比分网den erwerben ein grundlegendes Verst?ndnis für die Arbeitsweise eines Computers. Sie haben Grundkenntnisse über den grundlegenden Aufbau, die Architektur und die prinzipielle Funktionsweise eines modernen Rechners. Darüber hinaus ist ein Grundverst?ndnis für die Codierung von Zahlen und Zeichen sowie für kombinatorische Logik vorhanden. Sie sind in der Lage, die Besonderheiten verschiedener Betriebssysteme darlegen zu k?nnen.
Inhalt: ? Aufgaben und Einsatzgebiete von Rechnern ? Zahlen- und Zeichencodierung (Zahlenbereich, Aufl?sung, ?berl?ufe) ? Boolesche Algebra und Kombinatorische Schaltungen ? Aufbau und Architektur eines modernen Rechners ? Aufbau einer CPU, Speicher und Ein-/Ausgabe ? ?berblick Betriebssysteme und Anwendungsprogramme
Prüfungsleistung/Studienleistung: Vorlesung mit ?bungen und Prüfungsvorbereitung Klausur (90 Minuten)
Voraussetzungen: Kenntnisse einer objektorientierten Programmiersprache
Gesamtziel: Die 球探比分网den vertiefen die objektorientierten Programmierparadigmen und deren praktische Anwendung. Sie k?nnen unterschiedliche Programmierparadigmen anwenden, Bibliotheken erstellen und verwenden sowie grafische Oberfl?chen aufbauen.
Learning Outcomes: Students acquire the competence to describe our environment mathematically and to explain various phenomena from a few simple basic facts. The students master the handling of differential and integral calculus, consequences, and functions of several real variable. Students are able to solve simple mathematical problems independently and to comprehend logical conclusions. Students can formulate and systematically solve simple engineering and economic problems in mathematical notation.
Content: Differential and integral calculus for functions of a real variable; sequence, series and limit values; functions of several real variable; applications from economics, natural sciences and technology.
Type of teaching and language of instruction: Lecture with exercises and exam preparation, German
Prerequisites: School knowledge about vectors and linear systems of equations
Learning Outcomes: Students acquire the competence to describe our environment mathematically and to explain various phenomena from a few simple basic facts. The students master the handling of linear systems of equations, vectors, matrices and complex numbers. Students are able to solve simple mathematical problems independently and to comprehend logical conclusions. Students are able to formulate and systematically solve simple engineering and economic problems in mathematical notation.
Content: Linear systems of equations; vectors and matrices; linear algebra; complex numbers; applications from economics, natural sciences and technology.
Type of teaching and language of instruction: Lecture with exercises and exam preparation, German
Learning Outcomes: The students are able to design business processes and support them with information technologies. Students understand business informatics as an interdisciplinary science with an integrative character. They can explain the information and communication systems in the entrepreneurial environment. The students are familiar with the IT architectures of the various relevant business areas of the process-oriented value chain. The students master the basic techniques of scientific work: personal work techniques and time management, information research, the writing of scientific texts and the presentation of scientific results. Students learn the design possibilities of "corporate IT". The students are familiar with the basics of the company as a complex system and its most important business processes. They understand the advantages of integrated information processing for internal and external value creation. In addition, their focus is on forms of teleworking and teamwork. Students gain an overview of communication forms, groupware and workflow systems as well as the basics of network economics and portal solutions. They will be able to identify opportunities and potentials arising from integrated data management and knowledge management (BI). For the first time, the students gain knowledge in the support and optimization of business processes through IT-supported process design. The students master the basic techniques of scientific work. They can structure their work in terms of content and time, are familiar with information research, can write a scientific text and present scientific results.
Content: The content consists of the following sections: - Introduction to Business Informatics - Introduction to scientific work
Type of teaching and language of instruction: Lecture with exercises and exam preparation, Lab work, German
Examination: Exam (90 minutes) graded Lab work attested
Gesamtziel: Die 球探比分网den kennen die grundlegenden Begriffe aus der Betriebs- und Volkswirtschaftslehre und verstehen die zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen und Gestaltungsm?glichkeiten.
BWL Die 球探比分网den sind mit den wesentlichen Themengebieten der Allgemeinen BWL vertraut und kennen die Funktionsweisen und Zusammenh?nge betrieblicher Strukturen und Prozesse. Sie verstehen die Notwendigkeit des Wirtschaftens als Basis für unternehmerische Vorgehensweisen und Techniken. Sie sind in der Lage, grundlegende Methoden und Instrumente der Betriebswirtschaftslehre in ihrer Wirkung einzusch?tzen und anzuwenden.
VWL Die 球探比分网den verstehen die prinzipielle Funktionsweise von M?rkten und k?nnen grundlegende Modelle der Volkswirtschaftslehre auf einzel- und gesamtwirtschaftliche Fragestellungen anwenden. Sie verstehen die makro?konomischen Zusammenh?nge von Güter-, Arbeits- und Geldmarkt.
Inhalt: BWL ? Grundlagen: Einordnung der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Unternehmen und Wirtschaften, Kennzahlen ? Normativer Rahmen für Unternehmen, Unternehmensziele, Unternehmensverfassung ? Konstitutive Entscheidungen: Entscheidungstheorie, Standortwahl, Rechtsformwahl, zwischenbetriebliche Verbindungen ? Betriebliche Leistungserstellung: Innovationsmanagement, Beschaffung, Logistik, Produktion VWL ? Grundbegriffe der Volkswirtschaft ? Mikro?konomie: Nachfrage und Angebot, Preisbildung in verschiedenen M?rkten, Effizienz und Marktversagen, Rolle des Staates in der Marktwirtschaft ? Makro?konomie: Wirtschaftskreislauf, gesamtwirtschaftliche Ziele, volkswirtschaftliche Rechenwerke, gesamtwirtschaftliches Gleichgewicht ? Wirtschaftspolitik: Fiskal- und Geldpolitik
Prüfungsleistung/Studienleistung: Vorlesung mit ?bungen und Prüfungsvorbereitung Klausur (90 Minuten)
Gesamtziel: Die 球探比分网den werden in die Lage versetzt, technische Aufgabenstellungen zu verstehen, einen Algorithmus zur L?sung der Aufgabe zu entwickeln und anschlie?end auf Basis des Algorithmus ein Programm in einer Programmiersprache zu erstellen.
Inhalt: ? Grundlagen o Programmieren o Werkzeuge der Programmerstellung o Umsetzung von Aufgabenstellungen in Algorithmen o Speicherverwaltung, Stack und Heap
? Einführung in eine Programmiersprache o Elementare Datentypen, Variablen und Konstanten o Abgeleitete und zusammengesetzte Datentypen (Felder, Zeichenketten, Strukturen, Zeiger) o Ausdrücke mit Operatoren und Zuweisungen o Kontrollstrukturen zur Verzweigung und Iteration o Prozedurale Programmierung, call-by-value und call-by-reference o Rekursive Funktionen o Operationen auf Dateien
Prüfungsleistung/Studienleistung: Vorlesung mit ?bungen und Projektarbeit Klausur (90 Minuten) Laborübung, Testat
The curriculum for the degree programme and detailed descriptions of the programme modules are contained in the Module Catalogue.
On graduating with a degree in Business Information Systems, you can work as a specialist or manager at the interface between managerial economics and computer sciences. You design and programme software systems for business processes. You can optimise business processes and undertake projects to develop and introduce custom software. Your first step on a successful career ladder can be:
in IT companies which develop or use standard business software
in IT consulting companies to introduce IT-based systems to support business processes
on projects to develop and introduce custom software
the design and implementation of Internet portals, E-business
the implementation and application of new technologies in the company, for example for mobile communication
to support procedures and processes for the systematic analysis of company-relevant data for the purposes of business intelligence.
The Bachelor programmes offered by the Faculty of Information Technology have been successfully accredited by the ASIIN accreditation agency.