Chronicle of the Department of Information Technology at the University of Esslingen

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering - formerly Department of Information Technology -  was founded in 1996 through the merger of the two departments of Communications Engineering and Computer Engineering. The aim of this merger was the joint use of mutual strengths as well as the organizational understanding of a closely interlocked and successful cooperation between the two departments that had existed for decades before.

Events in Annual Figures

Restructuring, Anniversary & Master's Programme

Winter term 2019/20

Establishment of the specializations Autonomous Systems, Data Science and IT Security in the Master's program in Applied Computer Science.


In 1868, a separate department for mechanical engineers was founded at the K?niglich-Württembergische Baugewerkeschule Stuttgart. This is the birth of today's Esslingen University. The Esslingen University retrospects on a 150 years of existence.

Winter term 2017/18

Establishment of the major field of studies Autonomous Systems and Cyber-physical Systems in the course of studies Computer Engineering.

Winter term 2016/17

Establishment of the Master's programme in Applied Computer Science with three major field of studies: Autonomous Systems, Business Intelligence and Mobile Computing. First-time admission of students from winter term 2016/17.

Summer Term 2014

The campus city center looks back on 100 years! In 1914, the K?niglich Württembergische Maschinenbauschule was moved from Stuttgart to the neighbouring town Esslingen. In 2014 the Esslingen University celebrates the 100th anniversary of the university location in Esslingen.

WINTER Term 2013/14

Establishment of the course of studies Business Information Systems. First-time admission of students from winter term 2013/14.

Summer Term 2013

After 62 years, the Communications Technology programme is discontinued due to lack of demand. As of the summer term 2013, admission will no longer be granted.

Renaming, Fusion & Bologna Process

Winter Term 2008/09

First-time admission to the Automotive Systems Master's programme and for the first time finished Bachelor's graduates are released into the world of work.


Esslingen University looks back on 140 years of tradition!

SS 2007

The Software Engineering and Media Computing course of studies celebrates its 10th birthday!
Successful accreditation of the Bachleor degree programmes Communications Technology, Software Engineering and Media Computing, Computer Engineering and the Master's degree programme Automotive Systems by the accreditation agency ASIIN.

WINTER Term 2006/07

Establishment of the Automotive Systems Master's programme together with departments Automotive Engineering,  Mechatronics and Electrical Engineering.


Merger of the Esslingen University of Applied Sciences and the Esslingen University of Social Sciences to form the joint Esslingen University of Applied Sciences.


Transfer of the diploma programmes into Bachelor programmes with academic degree Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) as a result of the Bologna Process.


The faculties are renamed to departments during the university reform.


Renaming of the course of studies Communications Engineering in Communications Technology as well as renaming of the course of studies Software Engineering in Software Engineering and Media Computing.

Anniversaries & International Master Programme


Establishment of the international Master's programme in Information Technology and Automotive Systems in cooperation with the Department of Mechatronics.

Winter Term 1999/2000

The Department of Communications Engineering celebrates its 50th anniversary!


The Fachhochschule für Technik Esslingen looks back on 130 years of tradition!


The department of Computer Engineering celebrates its 25th anniversary.
Merger of the two departments of Communications Engineering and Computer Engineering to form the Information Technology Department.
Foundation of the Software Engineering course.
Prof. Rainer Doster is the head of the newly founded Department of Information Technology.


The Esslingen University looks back on 125 years of tradition with a big celebration!

Transformation & Move to Hilltop Campus


Move of the Communcations Engineering and Computer Engineering departments from the city centre campus to the hilltop campus. The spatial extension of the Esslingen University to the buildings of the location Flandernstra?e, the former Pedagogical University, opened up the possibility of new seminar rooms and modern lab equipment. The former pedagogical students at that time coined the term Acropolis for the prominent building in Flandernstra?e that was visible from afar.  
The term Acropolis is still used today for the hilltop campus at location Flandernstra?e.


Conversion of the former State Engineering Schools into Universities of Applied Sciences and renaming of divisions into faculties.  The academic degree was changed from Ing. (grad.) to Dipl.-Ing. (FH).

Foundation of the Faculty of Computer Engineering. Professor Walter R?cker becomes the first head of the newly founded Faculty of Computer Engineering.

Division of Communications Engineering


Spin-off of the communications engineering division from the electrical engineering division.
Prof. Joachim Stein becomes the first head of the newly founded Division of Communications Engineering.

WINTER Term 1949/50

First-time admission of students in the field of communications engineering within the Division of Electrical Engineering.
The winter semester 1949/50 is the birth of the course of studies in communications engineering and thus also for today's Department of Information Technology.

Birth & Foundation of the Electrical Engineering Division


The Higher School of Mechanical Engineering is renamed the State School of Engineering. The academic degree of the graduates is changed to Ing. (grad.).


Foundation of the Division of Electrical Engineering.


Move of the K?niglich-Württembergische H?here Maschinenbauschule from Stuttgart to Esslingen to city center campus Kanalstra?e with about 600 students. With the move to Esslingen, the former name Stall was also used for the building in Kanalstra?e. Very soon the statement "I have studied at "Stall" became a quality mark. This quality mark is still valid today.


In 1868, a separate division for mechanical engineers was founded at the K?niglich-Württembergische Baugewerkeschule Stuttgart. The Baugewerkeschule was located in the Kavaliersbau - a former horse stable. The students therefore called the building  "Stall", at first jokingly and later reverentially. The roots of today's Esslingen University of Applied Sciences lie in the Baugewerbeschule of the time and the subsequent Higher School of Mechanical Engineering.
Thus, the Esslingen University of Applied Sciences was founded in 1868.


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