Possibility for cooperation

Network of industrial partners

At universities of applied sciences - such as the Esslingen University of Applied Sciences - the focus is not only on imparting theoretical knowledge but also on practical application.

In the fifth semester, students complete a practical study semester in industry at home or abroad. They apply their acquired knowledge directly in practice and deepen it. The final thesis is also mainly written in industry.

For this purpose, the Department of Information Technology maintains a sustainable network of industrial partners from the region and around the world, who advertise internships and dissertations for students.

All professors of the Department of Information Technology have a large number of contacts at home and abroad.

Contact persons for final theses are all Professors
Internship Coordinator Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kai Warendorf.

Excellent academic performance is rewarded!

Every semester graduate students are awarded prizes for outstanding achievements.

  • Award of Philips Medizin Systeme GmbH

for a very good completion of the first phase of studies

  • Award of the Friends of Esslingen University e.V.                                                                                  

for an outstanding university degree

  • Award of the Engineers for Communication e.V. (IfKom)                                                                   

for an outstanding university degree

  • Award of the Association of Electrical, Electronic & Information Technology (VDE)                             

for an outstanding university degree

  • Award of the Richard Hirschmann Foundation   

for an outstanding university degree                                                                                    

  • Award of Siemens AG                                                                                                                                     

for an outstanding university degree

  • Award of the Eberhard-Herter-Foundation

for an outstanding university degree

  • Award of the Steinbeis Transfer Center System and Software Engineering                                               

for an outstanding university degree in Software Engineering

  • Award of the Steinbeis Transfer Center System and Software Engineering                                           

for an outstanding university degree in Media Computing

  • Award of the Steinbeis Transfer Center System and Software Engineering                                          

for committed cooperation in university committees

  • Award of the City of Esslingen

for an excellent thesis

Recruiting Event

As a rule, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are less well-known among students than large, well-known companies. Small and medium-sized enterprises also very often offer interesting and varied jobs for career starters after graduation and offer good career opportunities.

At the it-Mittelstandstag, companies have the opportunity to present themselves with a trade fair stand, to provide information about their company portfolio and to offer students internships, dissertations and career entry opportunities.

The trade fair will be accompanied by company presentations on current IT topics.

The it-Mittelstandstag takes place annually in November and is organized by the Wirtschaftsf?rderung Region Stuttgart GmbH in cooperation with the Softwarezentrum B?blingen-Sindelfingen e.V. and the Faculty of Information Technology of the Hochschule Esslingen.

The next it-Mittelstandstag will take place on Wednesday, November 27, 2019.

Further Information on it SME Recruiting Event 2019


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reinhard Schmidt

Companies can support the Esslingen University

Companies can acquire naming rights for lecture halls, seminar rooms, lounges, group work rooms, PC pools or laboratories.

The following companies have contributed to the Faculty of Information Technology within the framework of room sponsoring:

  • Ebersp?cher | System developer and supplier for exhaust technology, vehicle heaters, bus air-conditioning systems and vehicle electronics
  • Hirschmann | Specialist for automation and network technology
  • Vector Informatik | Partner for development of electronics in automobiles

Contact Person Fundraising

Dipl.-Betriebsw. (FH) Alfred Hans Feiler


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