International Erasmus+ Partner Days 2026

We offer the International Erasmus+ Partner Days to guests from European Universities and from partner universities from outside Europe. 

During the programme at Esslingen University, we will offer keynote presentations given by the participants.

In addition you can expect an attractive social and cultural programme.



International Erasmus+ Partner Days

Facts and figures


Esslingen (Airport Stuttgart is 30 minutes away by direct bus connection)

Time schedule

The dates for the next Partner Days in 2026 will be published here as soon as possible.

Who can apply?

Participants from European Universities and from Partner Universities outside Europe. Applicants who offer a keynote presentation are preferentially admitted.

  • Staff at International Offices
  • Adminstrative staff who is involved in the internationalization process
  • Faculty coordinators
  • International programme coordinators


The full programme will be held in English.


We don't charge any fee. Travel and accommodation costs will be covered by the participants (or by an Erasmus+ scholarship if applicable).

Keynote presentations

During the programme, we will offer keynote presentations given by the participants. The participants are asked to submit their suggestions for keynote presentations (max. 15 minutes) in the course of the online application. You have two options:

  • simply to follow the presentations 
  • to give a keynote presentation (15 min), which will be followed by a discussion - see below

Your presentation can be about an international project or ways of cooperation between faculties and the International Office or how to work together within a team... The topic is very broad and we are open to suggestion

Free of charge for participants and accompanying persons

  • Guided city tour
  • International Night
  • Excursion on Friday
  • Excursion on Saturday


Please contact the International Office at your home institution as attendance may qualify as an Erasmus+ training mobility. We are happy to sign your documents.


We highly recommend to reserve accommodation not too late as hotels in our region are often fully booked. You can choose a hotel in Esslingen, Stuttgart or in one of the other towns in the region. For your comfort you should choose a hotel close to a railway station.


The programme is continuously updated.

Day 1

When Where What
01:00 pm - 01:30 pm Senate Hall, City Center Campus, Building 1 Registration
01:30 pm - 02:30 pm Senate Hall, City Center Campus, Building 1

Welcome by Prof. Siegfried Zürn, Head of the International Centre and Graduate School
Introduction to the programme
Getting to know each other
Diana Budde, Esslingen University

02:30 pm - 03:00 pm Senate Hall, City Center Campus, Building 1 Welcome by the Rectorate
Presentation of Esslingen University
03:00 pm - 03:30 pm Senate Hall, City Center Campus, Building 1

Keynote Presentation and Discussion
Fostering early stage researchers at Esslingen University
Keynote speaker: Alma Stankovic, Esslingen University

03:30 pm - 04:30 pm Senate Hall, City Center Campus, Building International Coffee Break (see "Questions and answers")
04:30 pm - 05:00 pm Senate Hall, City Center Campus, Building 1 Keynote Presentation and Discussion
Health prediction of engineering systems
Keynote speaker: Simon Hagmeyer, Esslingen University
05:00 pm - 05:30 pm Senate Hall, City Center Campus, Building 1 Keynote Presentation and Discussion
How to make buildings "green" in the EU
Keynote speaker: Dipl.-Ing. Eike Budde, Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics (Germany)
05:30 pm - 07:00 pm Esslingen, Meeting Point Entrance of the University Cafeteria Guided City Tour "Medieval Esslingen" - free of charge
07:00 pm Esslingen, Goldenes F?ssle Welcome Dinner - free of charge

Day 2

When Where What
09:00 am - 11:30 am Senate Hall, City Center Campus, Building 1 Presentations of the universities (maximum 4 minutes per university)
Moderator: Maria Vella, Esslingen University
11:30 am Entrance of the University Cafeteria Group Photo
11:45 am - 01:00 pm University Cafeteria Lunch - free of charge
01:00 pm - 01:30 pm Senate Hall, City Center Campus, Building 1

Keynote Presentation and Discussion
Erasmus+ staff mobility - a balancing act
Keynote speaker: Diana Budde, Esslingen University

01:30 pm - 02:00 pm Senate Hall, City Center Campus, Building 1 Keynote Presentation and Discussion
The communication success in safety and health at work
Keynote speaker: Felisbelo Lisboa and Maria Adelaide Ferreira, Polytechnic University of Leiria (Portugal)
02:00 pm - 02:30 pm Senate Hall, City Center Campus, Building 1 Keynote Presentation and Discussion
Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programmes - good practices of BIP's implementation
Keynote speakers: Monika Medikien?, Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)
02:30 pm - 03:00 pm Senate Hall, City Center Campus, Building 1

Coffee Break

03:00 pm - 03:30 pm Senate Hall, City Center Campus, Building 1 Keynote Presentation and Discussion
Learning by doing projects" at UNIMORE
Keynote speaker: Francesca Gambetta, UNIMORE- University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy)
03:30 pm . 04:00 pm Senate Hall, City Center Campus, Building 1

Keynote Presentation and Discussion
Sustainable mobility at Esslingen University
Keynote speaker: Eileen Sawatzki, Esslingen University

04:00 pm - 05:00 pm Esslingen

A nice but steep walk to the Hilltop Campus (or you take the bus)

05:00 pm - 08:00 pm Esslingen International Night (see "Questions and answers") - free of charge
Contact Person: Diana Budde

Day 3

When Where What
09:00 am - 11:00 am

Senate Hall,City Center Campus, Building 1

Meetings in the faculties or in the International Office
according to individual appointment: Elective Programme
11:00 am - 11:20 am Senate Hall,City Center Campus, Building 1 Awarding of participants certificates
Signing of university-specific documents
11:20 pm - 08:30 pm Meeting point: Esslingen Railway Station: 11: 40 am (Departure of the train 11:49 am)

Excursion to Ulm (see "Questions and answers") - free of charge
Contact Person: Diana Budde and Cora Mathe

Day 4

When Where What
10:00 am - 01:00 pm Stuttgart Excursion  to the Mercedes-Benz-Museum in Stuttgart - free of charge
01:00 pm - 06:00 pm Stuttgart Visit of the Stuttgart Spring Festival (optional)



Participating Universities 2024

Country University
China Shanghai University of Engineering Science
Croatia University of Applied Sciences Lavoslav Ru?i?ka in Vukovar
Czech Republic Brno University of Technology
Dominican Republic Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo
Estonia Tallinn University of Technology
Estonia Estonian Entrepreneurship University of Applied Sciences
Finland Karelia University
Greece University of Crete
Greece International Hellenic University
Hungary E?tv?s Loránd University
Lithuania Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Lithuania Vytautas Magnus University
Malta Malta College of Arts Science and Technology (MCAST)
Poland Lodz University of Technology
Poland WSB Merito Toruń
Portugal Polytechnic University of Leiria
Portugal Escola Universitária Vasco da Gama
Serbia Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship Belgrade
Spain Complutense University
Spain University of Lleida
Spain University of Murcia
Spain University of the Balearic Islands
Taiwan National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology

Questions and answers

accompanying persons

Accompanying persons can be brought along to the following activities free of charge and without registration

  • Guided city tour
  • International Night
  • Excursion on Friday
  • Excursion on Saturday

Please understand: Unfortunately, accompanying persons cannot be brought along to the Welcome Dinner on Wednesday because the restaurant is very small and there is no room for additional people.

Activities on Saturday

On Saturday we will first visit the Mercedes Museum. We'll meet at the entrance at 10 am. We will of course describe to you exactly how to get there. Visiting the museum is free of charge for you. Afterwards we will walk to the famous Stuttgart Spring festival. Because it is a huge event that works roughly like Oktoberfest we won't be able to stay there with the whole group. When we arrive, we will automatically split up into small groups and attend the Spring festival individually.

Excursion to ulm

We will take the train to Ulm together. Travel costs, entrance fees and lunch are free of charge for you.

International Coffee Break

During the International coffee break you can offer a few sweet samples from your home countries to the other participants. We will also invite a few colleagues from our university, but please don't bring too much with you. Of course, you can take the leftovers with you to the International Night.

International Night

The International Night takes place every semester. For us, it is the most important event to promote student exchange. The international students at our university get a booth and use it to present their home university. They bring typical local dishes and that's why the International night appears almost like a big food market. You will either stand at the booth with your incoming students or if there are no students from your university this semester, you will get your own booth.

Presentation of your university

On April 18th you have the opportunity to give a presentation about your university. Because the number of participants is very large, we unfortunately have to limit the duration and size of the presentation to five slides and 4 minutes speaking time. The presentation must be uploaded before arrival. We will send you a link in good time. Unfortunately, we cannot consider presentations that have not been uploaded in advance.



Online Application

Applications are only possible via the online form.


We have received more applications than expected. Anyone who applies now will automatically be placed on the waiting list. Exception: Applicants from partner universities receive immediate confirmation.


Diana Budde

Mail: io-staffprograms[at]


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