Intercultural Events Join us and have fun!

Experience the world through the eyes of your fellow students from all over the world - an essential experience for the global citizen of today.
The International Office promotes awareness of multicultural topics and the acquisition of skills for culturally sensitive interaction with people from a variety of cultures.
To support our goals, we offer various programmes and events. Participation is documented with a certificate.

International Friends

Be a friend - Sei  ein Freund, amigo, dost, barát, yst?va, p?ítel!

The team of the program "International Friends" organises trips, events, and parties for international and german students.

  • Trips to Heidelberg, Tripsdrill, Tübingen, Rothenburg, Lake Constance and many other places.
  • Day trips to the Wilhelma zoo, the Christmas market, the climbing forest on the shores of Lake Ossiach, and the many vintners in the region.
  • Bowlings, pub meetings, scavenger hunt, go cart, barbeques.

During these activities you will get a chance to know students from the U.S., Mexico, Finland, Spain, Japan ... You can learn and practice foreign languages and accummulate points towards the Certificate of Intercultural Competenz (ZIK).  Travel costs, entrance fees and even some meals are covered by the International Office, so that students generally participate for free.

If you wish to join an activity, please register online and we will keep you informed about events and activities.


Calender of events

See International Friends on Facebook, HE.International on Instagram or in the Intranet for current events.

Intercultural Seminar

Using fun simulations, communication exercises, opportunities to see another point of view, and discussion, you learn to see yourself and the world in a new way. The new knowledge and skills will be very useful when you meet people who grew up in different cultures, whether by spending a semester abroad or doing  groupwork with students of different backgrounds or taking a job involving contact with employees and customers from all over the world.

The seminar is therefore interesting for all students who

  • Wish to earn the Certificate for Intercultural Competence (ZiK) because this seminar is required.
  • Are planning to study abroad or have already studied abroad.
  • Are preparing for scholarship interviews
  • Mingle with people from other cultures
  • Are interested in this topic

This seminar takes place at least once a semester. Details are available at the beginning of the semester in the  Intranet and in the university calender.  Since there are a limited number of places, early registration is recommended.

Intercultural Certificate

Enjoy meeting students from different cultures while sharing activities organized by the International Office.

Students of the University of Applied Science, Esslingen can earn the Certificate of Intercultural Competence (ZiK).

Register online to receive information about current events or changes.

Collect points
The Certificate consists of three required modules and two elective modules which allow you to collect the points needed.

Module Intercultural Reflection (required): an interactive seminar in which you learn how to systematically prepare yourself for intercultural contacts and how to understand your experiences in the greater context.

Module Language Competence (required): intercultural competence is part of learning a foreign language. Therefore knowledge of at least one foreign language is necessary.

Module intercultural practice (required): apply what you have learned in other modules as an international friend, buddy or volunteer during events and activities organized by the International Office.  Support the internationalization of the university!

Module intercultural experience abroad (elective): a semester abroad is often a highlight of the university experience.

Module intercultural experience in Germany (elective): if a semester abroad is not possible, then you can still prepare yourself for future intercultural opportunities. The list of modules in the Intranet gives you the details.

Submit your documentation
As soon as you have met all the requirements, and before graduation, send your documentation to the International Office via Email in a single PDF.

go on a culinary trip around the world with students from all over the world

Every semester, the International Office invites all university members to the [HE International Night.

Our incoming students from more than 50 countries present their home universities and invite visitors to go on a culinary journey. Mexican fajitas, American chocolate cake, Finnish Karjalanpiirakka, Spanish tapas - the Esslingen University of Applied Sciences will be transformed into a 3-star restaurant this evening.

But there are not only international dishes, you will also receive a lot of information on Exchange Semester and Foreign Languages.

  • The International Office advises on exchange semester.
  • Former outgoings report on their experiences abroad.
  • The language center provides information about foreign language courses.
  • External institutions such as GOstralia and College Contact are available for questions.
What else is on offer?
  • Wheel of fortune with great prizes 
  • HE postcard campaign
  • Free beverages
  • IO special hot dogs

Registration is not required, just drop by. We look forward to seeing you!

The event takes place once a semester. The current dates can be found on the intranet portal at the beginning of each semester.


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