
As a university we consider we have an obligation to the concept of sustainability: the use of resources in an environmentally, economically and socially responsible way so that these resources are still available to future generations. We contribute to the common good and provide important stimuli for society, politicians and businesses. Future-proof development is only possible when we take sustainability into account. We thus implement sustainability measures in all aspects of our university life, by incorporating sustainable development issues in teaching and research or in occupational health and safety, for example. Special emphasis is placed on environmental protection. Our goals and measures have been set out in the University’s Strategic Plan.

Centre for Sustainability

These measures are consolidated in the Centre for Sustainability. The EMAS environmental management system is used to monitor and continuously reduce the University’s environmental impacts. In respect of climate change mitigation, we are developing a concept for climate action to record and reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. The emissions resulting from our transport use are considered as part of our mobility management.


Measures for environmental protection


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