Students’ Union (AStA)

Students’ Union (AStA)

The Allgemeine Studierenden Ausschuss (AStA), or Students’ Union, represents the interests of all the students at our university.

You can contact the AStA directly about any issues relating to your university studies.

Maybe you would like to get something off your chest, are looking for some answers to your questions, need our help, have a great idea which you want to put into practice, or would like to become actively involved in the AstA?

Why not call round for an informal chat? We look forward to meeting you!

We can be contacted at asta[at]

AStA – we represent your interests

The AStA is made up of students who want to be actively involved in shaping student life at our university.

The AStA is the executive of the Legally Constituted Student Association. It comprises the elected chairpersons, three units and voluntary members. In the semester, we meet once a week and can also be contacted during our office hours and by email.

Are you interested in getting involved in the work of the AStA? Then why not drop by - we would love to see you! You are welcome to contribute your advice and support or start off by simply finding out about what we do. We are looking forward to meeting you!

A General Meeting of Students is held once a semester and this is your opportunity to find out everything you need to know about the Student Association, current projects in the Student Councils and the student action groups, and news & updates from the Baden-Württemberg Student Council. You can also make your own views known and contribute new ideas or suggestions.

We also keep you up-to-date with our regular newsletters and information posted in the AStA Moodle course, which also contains lots more useful information.

People to contact in the AStA

AStA chairpersons: Andreas Heinrich and Leon Schmidt
Finance Unit: Sophie Cortot
Public Relations Unit: Danielle Ehringer
Networking Unit: Zoé Scherle
Administration: Birgit Rathmann
AStA office: 0711 397-3498

In the AStA, you can

  • Get to know other students from all the different faculties at our university
  • Network and set up joint projects
  • Further your own personal development and gain social skills
  • Have a lot of fun and organise things
  • Contribute your own ideas
  • Do something for yourself and the other students
  • Enhance your social skills
  • Negotiate with the university and assert the interests of the students
  • Be involved in university-wide governing bodies
  • Set up and realise new projects

Hardly any other university organisation offers you so many opportunities to make contacts and friendships in all the other faculties and to take a look behind the scenes.

Why not come along and get to know us - we look forward to getting to know you!

Tasks & responsibilities of the AStA

The AStA is your point of contact for all issues relating to your university studies.

We provide support to help you with projects that you want to tackle with your Student Council, such as planning projects, excursions or events.

The AStA can also provide help and support with any problems you may be having.

The Baden-Württemberg Higher Education Act stipulates that the tasks & responsibilities of the AStA are to:

  • support academic affairs across the whole university
  • represent student interests across the whole university
  • safeguard the cultural concerns of all students
  • provide advice and support to the Student Councils
  • represent the academic and social interests of the students
  • cultivate national and international student relations
  • cooperate with the Legally Constituted Student Associations at other universities

Legally Constituted Student Association (VS)

Annual student committee elections take place to the Legally Constituted Student Association at the university. This is when the student members of the Senate and the members of the Student Councils for all our university faculties are elected.

The Student Council spokespersons of the 6 faculties and the 4 student members of the Senate together form the Students’ Representative Council, our legislative body.

Students’ Representative Council (FaRat)

The Students’ Representative Council (FaRat) decides how the fees of the Student Association are to be used, advises on the activities of the Student Association and what the Student Councils should procure, passes the statutes and the budget, decides on how the quality assurance budget is to be distributed, and elects the AStA, our executive body.

AStA (Students’ Union)

The AStA exercises a management function and represents the Student Association in university-related and external affairs, is the point of contact for the Student Councils, and manages the finances and the budget of the Student Association.

Contact us
If you have any further questions, you are welcome to contact theStudents’ Representative Council.

List of apartments to rent

  • Information on privately rented accommodation which is available in Esslingen can be obtained from AStA’s City Centre office. You can request a copy by email.
  • Information on privately rented accommodation in G?ppingen can be obtained from the mail room on our G?ppingen campus. You can request a copy by phone (07161-679-1187).
  • Moreover, all our campuses have numerous notice boards where you can find private advertisements for rooms & apartments to rent.

Issue of library books on the City Centre campus

It is also possible to collect and return university library books on the City Centre campus. Simply select this issuing office on the online borrowing form.

Please allow more time when borrowing books in this way as the books have first to be delivered from the other university locations.

Issuing office for borrowing books: in the "Alte Mensa" study space (Room S 5.007).

International Student Identity Card (ISIC)

When you are planning to spend some time studying abroad, it is a good idea to get an International Student ID Card (ISIC). It is valid for 12 months from the date of issue. You can apply for your ISIC online. Further information is available on the homepage of RDS-Reisedienst.

Youth Hostel Group ID Card (DJH)

The AStA is a member of the German Youth Hostels Association (Deutsches Jugendherbergswerk e.V., DJH). If you are planning to go on excursions or trips with other students in your semester or with your Student Council and stay overnight in a youth hostel, you can borrow an internationally valid DJH group ID card from your faculty office or the AStA office on the City Centre campus.

Free entry to the theatre with your student ID card

All students at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, including those on the G?ppingen campus, can attend performances at the Württembergische Landesbühne Esslingen (WLB) for free. As long as seats are available, you can obtain a free ticket from the box office an hour before the performance starts on production of your valid student ID card and personal ID card. This opportunity has been made possible through the cooperation we have with the WLB. It is subsidised by the AStA.

More university services

Flat shares and apartments in and around Esslingen

  • The website is one of the largest German language rental accommodation sites which exclusively advertises no-commission flat shares and apartments.
  • You can advertise and find flat shares and apartments in more than 20 countries via No commission is payable for any of the accommodation on offer. No charge is made when you use the site for private purposes.
  • Another free accommodation portal is
  • You can submit an online application for a room in student accommodation via the website of the Student Services Organisation Stuttgart. The site also offers privately owned rented accommodation for students.

Launderette in Esslingen

The launderette at Neckarstrasse 82 in Esslingen is a launderette with special flair – and conveniently situated within walking distance of the university!

Carsharing in Esslingen

Students who are carless but need a car now and again can rent one at a reasonable price from Stadtmobil Esslingen.


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