LK-ES2 Esslingen rural district - zero-emission highways department
Local authorities and highways departments, and municipal material and maintenance depots, too, are now finding themselves confronted with new challenges: they are being required to implement climate-change targets and meet demanding regulatory standards. Against this background, the suggestion is to design, construct and test a fuel-cell powered road service vehicle in the three-stage research project outlined here. Moreover, recycling possibilities and infrastructure requirements are also to be investigated. As a zero-emission technology, fuel cell technology is particularly suited to this application because it can guarantee the high performance, operational flexibility and ability to cope with winter conditions which are required for snow-clearing work.
Principal researcher at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences:
Prof. Dr. Ralf W?rner
Prof. Dr. Walter Czarnetzki
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Ammann
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Neuburger
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