About GründES!

We at GründES! are firmly convinced that there is an incredible potential for innovation and entrepreneurship in the minds of the students, alumni and employees of Esslingen University.

As a centre for entrepreneurship, our mission is to use the profile areas of people, technology and the environment at Esslingen University to train and promote more entrepreneurial personalities, to generate sustainable start-ups and to strengthen innovations in companies. To this end, we offer university members, alumni and companies a broad range of consulting, education programs and events as a source of inspiration.

Events such as our Founder Talk, education programs such as the Entrepreneurship School or concrete support for start-up projects - from general initial coaching and information on funding opportunities to coaching and sparring with experienced entrepreneurs and managers - are all part of our offering.

You got interested? We are happy to support and inform!

We look forward to your inquiry (gruendes[at]hs-esslingen.de)

Your GründES! Team


We currently have no open positions.

With the Entrepreneurs-in-Residence program, GründES! offers the opportunity to complete the internship semester and final thesis in your own start-up or with start-up alumni.

If you are interested, we look forward to hearing from you (gruendes[at]hs-esslingen.de)!

Our mission statement

We firmly believe that the profile of the Esslingen University with its focus on people, technology and the environment offers a unique opportunity to solve the great challenges of our time in an entrepreneurial way.


Our goal is to empower more entrepreneurial individuals and encourage more tech startups that add value to society and the environment.



Interested? Find out more! about our degree programmes