Coaching & Funding options With coaching at eye level to a successful start-up

By coaching, we mean effective support for (future) founders at eye level - whether online via our mini-learnings or in 1:1 coaching sessions. From innovation coaching to our professional incubator program, there is something for everyone!

In addition to the further development and validation of your own idea, your development as an entrepreneur is also central to us. Whether you have a concrete idea or "just" want to know how we can accompany you - contact us (gruendes[at]

Please note: Coaching available in German or English

Support with funding applications

You can develop your project further with research proposals. The requirements and services are based on the respective funding guidelines and are handled administratively and in terms of content by the faculties/research institutions.

GründES! helps you to find suitable internal and external cooperation partners. In cooperation with the faculties/research institutions, we support you in the foundation-relevant aspects of your research proposal.

You still have questions? We are looking forward to your inquiry! (gruendes[at]


Interested? Find out more! about our degree programmes