Female Entrepreneurship

20% - This is how low the share of startups in Germany founded by women has been in 2022

We want to change this number together with you!

Whether you are a student, research assistant, lecturer or professor: We support you in your start-up process!

Through success stories of inspiring female founders, our strong network and our events around Female Entrepreneurship, you will be well prepared for your start into entrepreneurship!

You already have an idea or just want to know how we can support you? Then contact us (gruendes[at]hs-esslingen.de)!

For more information please contact Lisa Stoll (lisa.stoll@hs-esslingen.de).

Bring your ideas to life

Welcome to ProtoDesign, the workshop designed specifically for creative and visionary female founders who want to bring their ideas to life through prototyping!

In this hands-on workshop, you will discover the world of prototyping and learn techniques to turn your innovative concepts into tangible reality. Make connections with other female founders, exchange ideas and be motivated by the inspiring ideas of the other participants!

The workshop will take place in presence at the MakerSpacES! of Gr¨¹ndES!

Participation in the workshop is only possible for EXIST-Women scholarship holders (registration information via Notion). Open workshops will be announced in due course,


For more information please contact Lisa Stoll (lisa.stoll@hs-esslingen.de).


Take your pitch skills to the next level!

We know that convincing people on stage can be a particular challenge, and this is exactly where we come in.

In this workshop, we focus specifically on the needs and strengths of female founders. Experienced coaches will guide you through practical exercises aimed at finding your authentic voice and presenting your business story powerfully. We will take an in-depth look at the key elements of a successful pitch, from storytelling strategy to self-presentation.

The workshop will take place in presence in the MakerSpacES! of Gr¨¹ndES!

Participation in the workshop is only possible for EXIST-Women scholarship holders (registration information via Notion). Open workshops will be announced in due course,

For more information please contact Lisa Stoll (lisa.stoll@hs-esslingen.de).


You have a start-up idea and don't know yet how to implement it? And at the same time, you want to be part of a great network and learn from the experiences of other founders?

Then apply for the EXIST-Women scholarship and become a Female Founder!

  Funding phase
Goal You will receive financial support (a 3-month scholarship of up to €3,000/month and a one-time €2,000 sum for materials) and be part of a 12-month network where you will have exclusive access to coaching, workshops and a great community of female founders, coaches and experts. During this period, you can validate your idea and take the next steps in the start-up process.
What will besupported? Innovative start-up projects and services - these can also be non-knowledge or technology-based.
Who will be supported?

Female students (Bachelor's degree or more than half of the course work completed).

Female research assistants/employees

Alumnae (graduation can be more than 5 years ago)

Women with vocational training and relation to the university

Women who have previously received start-up funding from the federal or state governments (e.g. EXIST or Junge Innovatoren) are excluded from the funding.

How is funding provided?

Duration: 12 months (scholarship max. 3 months)
One-time sum for material costs in the amount of € 2,000 (can be used for material resources, travel expenses or further coaching)


The application for EXIST-Women is no longer possible.

For more information please contact Lisa Stoll (lisa.stoll@hs-esslingen.de).

The Talk Series

The Start-up Talk is about successful practical examples and challenges in start-ups!

Experienced founders talk about their successes and the biggest challenges that self-employment brings.

The Start-up Talks are held in cooperation with the Junior Chamber of Commerce and the business development agencies of the districts and cities of Esslingen and G?ppingen. They are aimed at anyone who wants to learn from the experiences of others.

Afterwards, you will have the opportunity to ask your questions live and network with the start-ups!

We will gladly provide you with a certificate of participation. Please contact your contact person in advance of the event.

Please note: Event will be held in German. English events are marked.

See German site for more information.

Experience innovation up close!

The Innovationsstarter brings together students, professors, experts, SMEs, start-ups and the interested public.

After a keynote speech by a guest speaker from the innovation environment, the participants are asked to innovatively work on a task with a thematic focus in the sense of an ideation hackathon during the event. The results will then be discussed and prizes awarded. The evening will take place in the brand new MakerSpacES! of Gr¨¹ndES! so that, in addition to the creative atmosphere, the creative lab can also be visited afterwards.

The innovation starter takes place in cooperation with CODE_n and de:hub.


We will gladly provide you with a certificate of participation. Please contact your contact person in advance of the event.

Please note: Event will be held in German. English events are marked.

See German site for more information.


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