Foto Philipp Schreiber

Management and Technology Prof. Dr. Philipp Schreiber


Esslingen Hilltop Campus
Room: F 02.252
Flandernstra?e 101
73732 Esslingen

+49 711 397-4350


Corporate Finance

Behavioral Finance

International Finance

Asset Pricing

consultation hours

Online every Tuesday, 09:30 - 10:00


1.      Refereed Publications

  • Inconsistent Retirement Timing 
    (with Merkle, C./Weber, M.) in Journal of Human Resources, 2022 forthcoming.
  • Widowhood and retirement timing: Evidence from the health and retirement study 
    The BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 2018, Vol. 18 (3).
  • Framing and Retirement Age: The Gap between Willingness-to-Accept and Willingness-to-Pay 
    (with Merkle, C./Weber, M.) in Economic Policy, 2017 Vol. 32, pp.757-809.
  • Time Inconsistent Preferences and the Annuitization Decision 
    (with Weber, M.) in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2016, Vol. 129, pp. 37-55.


2.      Additional Publications

  • Die genial einfache Verm?gensstrategie - So gelingt die finanzielle Unabh?ngigkeit, 2020, 255 Seiten, ISBN 978-3-593-51238-9. Auf Amazon
  • Vorteile moderner Risikokommunikation, 2018 in Ausgabe April – Juni von Global Investor
  • Entsparen im Alter - Portfolioentnahmestrategien in der Rentenphase (mit Weber, M.) in Forschung für die Praxis, 2017, Band 30, Behavioral Finance Group.
  • Bankmagazin, Kolumne zum Thema Banking & Finance (monatlich ab 12/2016)
  • Auszahlungsoptionen der Rentenversicherung, 2015 in Versicherungsjournal
  • Information Asymmetry, Relationship Banking and Financing Costs of SME's 
    (with Fidrmuc, J. and Siddiqui, M.) in Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Asian Finance Association (AsianFA2015), Changsha, China 2015
  • When and How? Behavioral Challenges to the Retirement Decision
    Dissertation, 2014, MADOC Publication Server of the Library of the University of Mannheim.
  • Size and Direction of Deleveraging Effects in Germany (with Fidrmuc, J. and Siddiqui, M.) in Proceedings of the 16th International Scientific Conference Finance and Risk, 2014, Vol. 1; pp. 12 – 17.
  • Kapital oder Rente? Auszahlungsoptionen der Rentenversicherung (mit Weber, M.) in Forschung für die Praxis, 2013, Band 25, Behavioral Finance Gro


3.      Working Paper

  • Financial Forecasts and the Wisdom of Select Crowds (with C. Merkle, J. B. Soll)
  • Learning to be Overprecise (with C. Merkle)

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