Application form

Application Form: International Tuition Fee Waiver

General information

General information

In addition to the statutory grounds for exemption, particularly talented international students have the opportunity to apply for exemption from tuition fees. The exemption is granted in accordance with the relevant statutes. Applications for this must be submitted in due time via the application form:

Exemption period: Winter semester 2024/25
Application deadline: 25.09.2024

Required Documents:

  • Resume
  • Current transcript of grades (for first-year students: (recognized) certificates of university admission)
  • Certificate of study
  • Passport copy
  • Optional: Letter of recommendation/evaluation
  • Optional: Certificate of a previous study (e.g. Bachelor)
  • Optional: Other relevant and important documents related to the awarding criteria

If you have any questions or uncertainties, please do not hesitate to contact the Central Student Advisory Service (, 0711 397 3446).

Awarding criteria

International students who are liable to pay fees according to §3 LHGebG can be exempted from them according to §6 paragraph 4 and 5 LHGebG.

Note: The tuition fees of the International Industrial Management (MBA) programme are not tuition fees in the sense of the Landeshochschulgebührengesetz (LHGebG §3). Applications from students of this degree programme can therefore not be considered.

The decision on exemption is determined on the basis of special talent, nationality, as well as social criteria. The primary and decisive criterion is the special talent of the student. The basis for the decision is the documents submitted for this purpose.

The special talent can be proven by examination results in the respective registered course of study. Students who, in the opinion of the selection committee, have achieved outstanding examination results that are clearly above average, both in terms of individual grades and average grade, can be considered to be particularly gifted. The examination results are to be set in relation to the intended study progress in ECTS credit points.

For supportive assessment of special giftedness, the following items may be included in the decision on a secondary basis

  • Letter of appraisal from a teacher qualified to appraise
  • The average grade of the university entrance qualification
  • The relative final grade of a previous undergraduate degree.

In addition to the special talent, other criteria can be taken into account accordingly

  • The nationality of the person applying. In particular, if he/she is a signatory of the Partnership Agreement of the European Union 2000/483/EC of 23 June 2000 with African, Caribbean and Pacific States, or of one of the least developed countries as defined by the United Nations.
  • Health restrictions
  • Social criteria, which overall indicate special or difficult conditions (e.g. self-financing of studies, voluntary work)
  • Special personal circumstances

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