Career Orientation

Your Personal Profile and Goals

Before you start looking for jobs, your first step should be to clarify your personal profile, goals, and wishes. This means looking at not only your specialist knowledge and achievements but also your character, interests, experiences and engagement.

Among others, you can answer the following questions:

  • Where am I right now?
  • Where do I want to go?
  • When was the last time I was really motivated and engaged?
  • What competences do I have – specialist and general?
  • What makes me unique?

Create your personal profile to get started on your own personal assessment.

Areas of Work and Professional Fields

Now that you have created your own personal profile, you are clearer about your skills, competences, goals and (career) wishes. The next step is more concrete and we can help you to answer these questions:

  • Which fields of work, employers and branches are of interest to me?
  • What options do I have after graduating?
  • Where can I put my specialist competences to work?
  • Where can I best put my personal strengths to use?
  • What is the current job market situation? What job vacancies are there at the moment?
  • How important are salary and promotion to me?
  • What else is important to me?

Starting your Career or a Master’s Degree

It is not essential to have a Master’s degree in order to be successful on the job market. Starting your chosen career is also possible with a Bachelor’s degree. You can gain your first professional experience and/or orient yourself.

Generally, your starting salary will be higher with a Master’s degree and your progression up the career ladder as expert or manager may well be easier as you start with a higher qualification. Anyone aiming for a scientific career will also require a Master’s degree.

If you are already thinking about these options, we will be pleased to help you. Alternatively, we recommend that you take part in the Esslingen University of Applied Sciences mentoring programme CrossMentES .


Interested? Find out more! about our degree programmes