University chaplaincy Welcome!

The university chaplaincy of the Catholic and Protestant churches on Esslingen City Centre Campus, Esslingen Hilltop Campus and G?ppingen Campus offers space for meeting and companionship, for celebrating church services and for support.

Would you like to talk to somebody, or do you need a bit of help?

All you have to do is get in touch.

University chaplaincy Esslingen

Pfr. Peter Rohde
Hochschulseelsorge Esslingen
Rosenstra?e 30
73733 Esslingen-Mettingen
Telefon 0711 32 24 64

University chaplaincy G?ppingen

Pfr. Bernd Mayer
Hochschulseelsorge G?ppingen
Pfarrstra?e 5
73114 Schlat
Phone: 07161 811570

For urgent matters for Catholics

Pfr. Stefan M?hler
Mettingerstra?e 2
73728 Esslingen
Phone: 0711 3969190
Mobile: 0160 90568917


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