Inter-library loans

Literature (books and journal articles) which is not available in the university library can usually be obtained for you from other libraries via the inter-library loan service.

It is not possible to order:

  • Books and journals which are available at the libraries in Esslingen and G?ppingen (incl. reference holdings and publications on loan)
  • E-books
  • Publications which are available from bookshops for up to €15.00
  • Complete volumes of recent journals
  • Journal volumes and other large format publications
  • Loose-leaf editions
  • Bachelor, Master and Magister theses and extended essays
  • Patents and DIN standards
  • Books not yet published or titles which the library is still in the process of purchasing and processing.

You will receive email notification when your order has arrived and is available for collection at the service counter. You will receive journal articles as a photocopy, which you can keep. Up to 20 copies are supplied free-of-charge. The costs for additional copies are set by the issuing library.

The issuing library may stipulate that you must read the book supplied only on site in the library itself or that you are not allowed to make any copies. Esslingen and G?ppingen libraries have to respect these stipulations and therefore cannot allow you to take these books home with you.

The loose insert in the book is used to administer the inter-library loan request and must be returned together with the book. A fee of €2.50 becomes payable when you lose it.

Please observe the loan period (see loose insert/account). You can apply for an extension in the week before the loan period expires. To do this, please contact:

  • Esslingen library: fernleihe(at) or tel. 0711-397-4103
  • G?ppingen library: bibliothek-goeppingen(at) or tel. 07161-679-1191

Ordering a book - step by step

The documents are ordered via BOSS, the library search engine. If your search in the holdings of Esslingen University Library was not successful, you can click on ¡°Fernleihe (inter-library loans)¡± and continue your search there. Click on the title you want in the list of hits to display all the information. After logging in, you can submit your order. The electronic order form is displayed with the bibliographic data automatically inserted.

Ordering a paper - step by step

Before you place an order, please check whether the journal is available in the holdings of Esslingen University Library or G?ppingen Library. This is done by using:

When undertaking a search, please note that the list of journals and the library of electronic journals contain only the titles of the journals, not the individual papers.

The ¡°deletion¡± (L?schung) of the inter-library loan request in your account does not lead to the inter-library loan request or the corresponding administrative fees being cancelled!


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